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foodpanda has been constantly listening to our fleet members’ comments and feedback, so we can continue to make improvements to our couriers’ experiences. Part of what makes a good delivery experience is excellent communication with customers and vendors, creating a more comprehensive and satisfying delivery community. 


We understand that there are situations where couriers may find themselves confused and unsure with what they are supposed to do. Therefore, we have collected your feedback and consolidated them into interaction guidelines, which you can refer to when you encounter the below scenarios. We are constantly reviewing these interaction guidelines, and are welcome to receive more feedback from you so they can be even more comprehensive. 


With the below guidelines, as well as your valuable input, we believe we can continue to provide a pleasant delivery environment for everyone. 

When interacting with customers

When you arrive at the drop off location

1) As soon as you reach the drop off location send a message to the customer through the rider-customer chat to let them know that you have arrived

  • If rider-customer chat is not available for the order, you are required to call the customer

2) Follow the delivery instructions sent by the customer in the drop-off screen (e.g. some customers may ask you not to ring the bell)

  • If the customer is unreachable, please refer to the scenario “unable to reach customer” below

3) Take a valid picture as Proof Of Delivery

4) Greet the customer politely and deliver the order

5) Collect any Cash On Delivery (if necessary)

6) Thank the customer and leave

7) Make sure you click the “confirm drop-off” button in the rider app

  • If the network is unstable (e.g. inside an elevator), we suggest you take the picture first and upload it only when the network is resumed

  • The Proof of Delivery picture taken by you will be stored regardless of the network instability

When you are unable to reach the customer after arriving at the drop off location

1) Make sure you message the customer using the customer-rider chat in the app

  • As pandago orders are not applicable to use the rider-customer chat. If the customer is unreachable, please try to call them on the number provided in the rider app. If it is not a local number, you do not need to call

2) If the customer does not answer, check the delivery instructions in the drop-off screen to make sure you can ring the bell or knock on the door

3) If the customer is still unreachable, please try to call them on the number provided in the rider app. If it is not a local number, you do not need to call

4) If the customer still does not pick up, please contact the Rider Service Team and explain that you have already tried contacting the customer and still has no answer

5) Follow the instructions sent by the Rider Service Team. If they are also unable to reach the customer, they will let you know and the order might be cancelled (in this case your acceptance rate will not be affected and you will receive 100% of the order fee as you have already arrived at the drop off location)

When a customer selects contactless delivery

1) Please check the delivery instructions sent by the customer to check how and where you should place the order

2) Inform the customer through the chat that you have placed the order in the designated spot

3) Kindly step away from the spot and remember to take a valid picture as Proof Of Delivery

4) Make sure you click the “confirm drop-off” button in the rider app

  • If the network is unstable (e.g. inside an elevator), we suggest you take the picture first and upload it only when the network is resumed

  • The Proof of Delivery picture taken by you will be stored regardless of the network instability

When a customer requests you to purchase additional items

(not included in the original order)

1) You do not have to accept any requests of additional services or products than the ones included in the original order

2) Please politely inform the customer through the customer-rider chat that since the product was not included in the original order, any extra items should be purchased by placing another order:

  • If the customer understands and accepts it, please proceed and deliver the original order

  • If the customer still insists on the request, please contact the Rider Service team and follow their instructions

When a customer asks you to climb many flights of stairs

1) For buildings that do not provide elevator services or in case there is no elevator available at the moment, you are advised to go up to a maximum of 3 flights of stairs

2) If the customer lives at the 4th floor or higher, please send them a message via the customer-rider chat, politely asking them to come down and explaining that you are recommended to deliver only up to the 3rd floor

3) If the customer refuses to go down, please contact our Rider Service Team and follow their instructions

When a customer asks you to go to a different location from the stated address/pin in the rider app

1) If the customer provides a different address than the original drop off location, please make sure he or she writes the updated correct address in the customer-rider chat

2) Ask the Rider Service team to use this updated address written by the customer to change the drop off location in the rider app, and proceed to deliver the order

3) We have now implemented a Wrong Pin compensation mechanism, so any necessary adjustments on the distance component of the order service fee will be reviewed, recalculated and paid every month

When you arrive at the drop-off location and realizes it does not match the stated address

1) If you arrive at the original drop off location and realizes that the address does not match with the pin, please contact the Rider Service team, ask them to update the drop off pin in the rider app and proceed to deliver the order

2) We have now implemented a Wrong Pin compensation mechanism, so any necessary adjustment on the distance component of the order service fee will be recalculated and paid every month

When you do not have enough change for a Cash On Delivery order

1) After picking up an order, you will be able to see the amount of Cash On Delivery you are going to collect

2) We always suggest couriers to have around $500 change while on shift:

  • If the change needed is over $500 and you do not have enough, contact the Rider Service Team and follow their instructions

  • If the change needed is under $500 and you do not have enough, politely explain it to the customer and look for any nearby shops where you can get enough change

When the customer gives you a lot of coins for Cash On Delivery order

Please refer to the Coinage Ordinance issued by Hong Kong Government: Customer should only pay:

(a) for coins of denominations of not less than $1, for the payment of an amount not exceeding $100

(b) for coins of denominations of less than $1, for the payment of an amount not exceeding $2

When there is a Cash On Delivery discrepancy

1) Check the order instructions to see if there are any notes specifying the correct amount to be collected

2) If there is no specification, please input in the app the correct amount received from the customer and chose the most appropriate reason to justify the cash discrepancy

3) If the vendor informed you about any product unavailability during pick up, please inform the Rider Service to update the total collectible amount and report the Cash On Delivery discrepancy accordingly

When there is any language barrier

1) Use the translate button embedded at the customer-rider chat in the app

2) If you still require any help, seek assistance from the Rider Service team and follow their instructions

When there is any issue reported by the customer after an order is completed (e.g. wrong order, missing item, spillage)

1) If the order is wrong or an item is missing, do not make any delivery promise to the customer

2) Politely advise the customer to reach out to the Customer Service team via live chat in their app for further assistance

When delivering to venues where the administrative mask-wearing requirement still applies (such as medical facilities or residential care homes for the elderly or residential care homes for persons with disabilities)


1) If you don't have a mask, you may deliver the order to the front door of the venue, and politely inform the customer that you are not able to enter the venue and ask customer to come to the front door
2) If you have a mask, please put the mask on and deliver the order to designated drop off location requested by customer

When customers contact you directly with extra requirements or instructions (e.g. pick-up arrangements, changing order content, dropoff location, cancel order etc.) during a live order


1) To prevent any disputes, please always follow the instructions given in your rider app

2) Inform Rider Service Team immediately

3) Do not make any promises to the customers or vendors privately

4) You may politely advise them to reach out to the Customer Service team for further assistance

When interacting with vendors

When you are unable to find the vendor

1) Check if there is any specific pick-up instruction in the app

2) Since some vendors are virtual brands, there may not be a clear sign in the street or at the building indicating their name

3) If there is any reception at the building or any shop nearby, try asking for direction

4) If you still cannot find the vendor, use the number provided in the app to call them

5) If the vendor is unreachable, contact the Rider Service team and follow their instructions

6) If you are informed that the vendor’s address is different from what is shown in the app, let the Rider Support team know so that we can follow up with the vendor

When the vendor is located inside a paid MTR zone

1) Please check the pick up instruction, usually the vendor will not require you to enter the paid zone and will deliver the order outside of this area

2) If you cannot find any specific instruction, use the number provided in the app to call the vendor

3) If the vendor is unreachable, contact the Rider Service team and follow their instructions

When the preparation time of the vendor is longer than what is shown in the app

1) If you are willing to wait, politely ask the vendor how long they still need to finish the order

2) You can self-redispatch the order 5 minutes after the listed pick-up time without affecting your acceptance rate by using the “Self-Service” tool and selecting the reason “late preparation of order”

3) We are constantly monitoring all vendors’ preparation time and adjusting it when there are consistent lateness issues

4) If you still notice that a vendor is constantly late, please help us improve the preparation time by filling in the vendors form

5) Do not get into any dispute or argument with the vendor’s staff. Please contact the Rider Service team if you require any assistance

When you feel that you are being treated unfairly or disrespectfully by any of the vendor’s staff

1) Immediately contact the Rider Service team, explain the situation and follow their instructions

2) Do not get into any dispute or argument with the vendor’s staff

3) Please also create a ticket containing the order code and describing the situation. Our team will contact the vendor, carefully investigate what happened and take any appropriate actions

When one (or more) of the products requested by the customer is unavailable

1) Politely ask the vendor to contact foodpanda through the Partner Support channel

2) If the vendor is not able to contact the live chat, please inform the Rider Service team and follow their instructions

3) Do not directly contact the customer

When there is no attached receipt containing foodpanda’s order code (xxxx-xxxx) or the order code is not clearly written on the bag

1) Before picking-up any order at the vendor, look if the attached receipt contains foodpanda’s order code

2) If there is no receipt attached to the bags, check if the order code is written outside one of the bags (e.g. pandamart orders)

3) If you cannot find the order code, politely ask the vendor to write it on one of the bags before picking up the order

4) If the vendor refuses, please inform the Rider Service team and follow their instructions

5) Do not get into any dispute or argument with the vendor’s staff

When you have any question related to cancelled orders

1) If an order is cancelled and you have any specific question related to the order, please contact the Rider Support team by creating a ticket

2) Please do not directly ask the vendor about any cancellation

3) Do not get into any dispute or argument with the vendor’s staff

4) Our current cancellation policy includes 40% of the order fee if it is cancelled after pick-up and 100% of the order fee if it is cancelled after arriving at the drop off location

When you arrive at the vendor and are not sure where you can wait

1) When you arrive, greet the vendor’s staff and provide the order code to check if the order is ready

2) If the order is not ready, politely ask the staff how much time it will take and where you can wait

3) We suggest you to wait in an area that does not block any way or path, nor disturb the vendor’s operation

4) You can self-redispatch the order 5 minutes after the listed pick-up time without affecting your acceptance rate by using the “Self-Service” tool and selecting the reason “late preparation of order”

When you realize that there is any packaging issue with the order

1) Remember to check the packaging before picking-up the order

2) Politely ask the vendor’s staff to help you if the packaging is too loose or if you need any assistance to carry it

3) If you still notice that a vendor has constant issues with packaging their orders, please let us know by filling in the vendors form

4) All couriers are required to always use a thermal bag

When you have any issue related to split orders

1) You are able to see in the app if an order will be split with another courier by looking at the embedded map: it will indicate another courier’s pin moving towards the vendor

2) If the order is not already split, but you believe it is too heavy or too large to deliver by yourself, please inform the Rider Service team and provide a real-time picture trying to place all bags inside your thermal bag

3) They will check the order and, if needed, another courier will be assigned to deliver the order with you

4) For a better customer experience, when delivering split orders to customers, please inform the customer that the remainder of the order will be shortly delivered by another courier

When vendors contact you directly with extra requirements or instructions (e.g. pick-up arrangements, changing order content, dropoff location, cancel order etc.) during a live order

1) To prevent any disputes, please always follow the instructions given in your rider app

2) Inform Rider Service Team immediately

3) Do not make any promises to the customers or vendors privately

4) You may politely advise them to reach out to the Vendor Service team for further assistance

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